【口语学习】中级班第十课——What should people do to make their visit to NY-Crzax的博客

【口语学习】中级班第十课——What should people do to make their visit to NY

What should people do to make their visit to NY 音频 原文内容 A: What should people do to make their visit to NewYork city safe and pleasant? B: I think the biggest mistake many pe...


前言 一个配置tmux.conf的指南。 在我之前的博客文章,我写了一份快速入门tmux的文章,同时解释了怎样在最原始的配置基础下使用tmux。 如果你按照那个指南来进行操作过了的话,你就会感受到大部...


前言 tmux的快速和简单的指南上手使用。 笔者最近学习了MIT的The Missing Semester of Your CS Education,学习了一个比较有意思的工具tmux,然后该课程在作业里给出的这个tmux参考学习指南是纯...
【口语学习】中级班第九课——I'm so excited和what are you planing to do for your vocation-Crzax的博客

【口语学习】中级班第九课——I’m so excited和what are you planing to do for your vocation

I'm so excited 音频 原文 A: I'm so excited. We have two weeks off. What are you going to do? B: I'm not sure. I guess I'll just stay at home. Maybe I'll catch up on my reading. Wha...
【口语学习】中级班第八节——I really need a change和I need to join a club和I should take a typing course和gosh i really go on a diet-Crzax的博客

【口语学习】中级班第八节——I really need a change和I need to join a club和I should take a typing course和gosh i really go on a diet

I really need a change 音频 原文 Yeah, I really need a change. I've doing the same things for over five years now, and I'm just not learning anything new. It's the same routine ev...


本视频来自微信小视频听说实战口语MyKyrie 本人认为对本人帮助很大,所以放上来 由于微信小视频没有链接,所以有需要的可以自己去微信小视频搜索 侵删
【口语学习】中级班第七节——hei these soud good和here comes the waitress now-Crzax的博客

【口语学习】中级班第七节——hei these soud good和here comes the waitress now

hei these soud good 音频 原文 A: Hey, this sounds good-snails with garlic! Have you ever eaten snails? B: No, I haven't A: Oh, they're delicious! I had them last time. Like to try ...


第一回:出生牛犊 我是一个线程,我一出生就被编了个号:0x3704,然后被领到一个昏暗的屋子里,在这里我发现了很多和我一模一样的同伴。 我身边的同伴 0x6900 待的时间比较长,他带着沧桑的口气...
【杂谈】图灵奖巨佬Dijkstra 解惑,为什么把 0 作为第一个元素下标,而不是直观的 1?-Crzax的博客

【杂谈】图灵奖巨佬Dijkstra 解惑,为什么把 0 作为第一个元素下标,而不是直观的 1?

很多小伙伴初学编程的时候一定都被元素下标折磨过,为什么很多编程语言要把 0 作为第一个下标索引,而不是直观的 1 呢? 这个问题 Dijkstra 已经解答过了,没错,就是你知道的 Dijkstra,Dijkst...
【口语学习】中级班第六节——where are you working now和so how are things going with you-Crzax的博客

【口语学习】中级班第六节——where are you working now和so how are things going with you

where are you working now. 音频 原文 A: So where are you working now, Terry? B: Oh, I’m still at the bank. I don’t like it, though. A: That’s too bad. Why not? B: Well, it’s bo...


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