

前言 在WSL2中开启代理访问 WSL2使用纯真Linux虚拟化,不再像WSL1那样将命令转化成Windows Terminal命令后再执行,网络环境也因此独立,不再访问到主机网络。 本文介绍配置WSL2中http...
【Linux教程】在 Ubuntu/Debian 上安装 Oracle Java 18 (OpenJDK 18)-Crzax的博客

【Linux教程】在 Ubuntu/Debian 上安装 Oracle Java 18 (OpenJDK 18)

在 Ubuntu/Debian 仅终端界面上安装 OpenJDK 18或者Oracle Java 18
【口语学习】中级班第五节——Creative rentals和hello-Crzax的博客

【口语学习】中级班第五节——Creative rentals和hello

Creative rentals 音频 原文 M: Creative rentals. Good mornig. W: Hello, I'm calling about the apartment you have for rent. M: Yes. What can I tell you about it? W: Where is it exact...
【口语学习】中级班第三课和第四课——Quite number of things和 Excuse me could you和Excuse me It's me again.-Crzax的博客

【口语学习】中级班第三课和第四课——Quite number of things和 Excuse me could you和Excuse me It’s me again.

Quite number of things 音频 文本   Quite a number of things have been done to help solve traffic problems in Singapore. For example, motorists must buy a special pass if ...


前言 【Linux教程】Ubuntu配置静态ip。虚拟机NAT默认会对虚拟机内的系统进行DHCP分配动态IP,为了固定IP确保后续开发方便,这里记录i如何固定IP 版本 虚拟机:WMware Workstation Pro 17 Linux ...
【杂谈】C:\Program Files等目录的区别-Crzax的博客

【杂谈】C:\Program Files等目录的区别

前言 谈谈C:\Program Files, C:\Program Files(x86), C:\Users\用户名\AppData\Roaming, C:\Users\用户名\AppData\Local, C:\ProgramData, C:\Users\用户名, C:\Users\用户名\Documents 的区别 ...


lua的变量和流程控制,lua的函数,lua的table,lua的元表(metatable) 和元方法(metamethod),lua的与类相似的table和继承,lua的模块。
【口语学习】中级班第九课——I'm so excited和what are you planing to do for your vocation-Crzax的博客

【口语学习】中级班第九课——I’m so excited和what are you planing to do for your vocation

I'm so excited 音频 原文 A: I'm so excited. We have two weeks off. What are you going to do? B: I'm not sure. I guess I'll just stay at home. Maybe I'll catch up on my reading. Wha...
【口语学习】中级班第八节——I really need a change和I need to join a club和I should take a typing course和gosh i really go on a diet-Crzax的博客

【口语学习】中级班第八节——I really need a change和I need to join a club和I should take a typing course和gosh i really go on a diet

I really need a change 音频 原文 Yeah, I really need a change. I've doing the same things for over five years now, and I'm just not learning anything new. It's the same routine ev...
【口语学习】中级班第二课—are these pictures of you when you were kid和what i remember和why is there和So are you going to write.-Crzax的博客

【口语学习】中级班第二课—are these pictures of you when you were kid和what i remember和why is there和So are you going to write.

Are these pictures of you when you were kid 音频 文本 A: Hey! Are these pictures of you when you were a kid? B: Yeah! That's me in front of my uncle's beach house. When I was a kid...


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