【口语学习】中级班第五节——Creative rentals和hello-Crzax的博客

【口语学习】中级班第五节——Creative rentals和hello

Creative rentals 音频 原文 M: Creative rentals. Good mornig. W: Hello, I'm calling about the apartment you have for rent. M: Yes. What can I tell you about it? W: Where is it exact...
【口语训练】美式元音之/i/ /ɪ/ /ɛ/ /æ/的发音-Crzax的博客

【口语训练】美式元音之/i/ /ɪ/ /ɛ/ /æ/的发音

/i/ 发音原理 口型: 嘴角用力向两边咧,牙齿之间约一根火柴棍的距离 舌位: 舌尖自然抵下齿 发音部位: 前口腔发音 持续1s 示例单词 Read Please Dream Agree /ɪ/ 发音原理 口型:嘴巴微张,约一...
【口语学习】中级班第三课和第四课——Quite number of things和 Excuse me could you和Excuse me It's me again.-Crzax的博客

【口语学习】中级班第三课和第四课——Quite number of things和 Excuse me could you和Excuse me It’s me again.

Quite number of things 音频 文本   Quite a number of things have been done to help solve traffic problems in Singapore. For example, motorists must buy a special pass if ...
【口语学习】中级班第二课—are these pictures of you when you were kid和what i remember和why is there和So are you going to write.-Crzax的博客

【口语学习】中级班第二课—are these pictures of you when you were kid和what i remember和why is there和So are you going to write.

Are these pictures of you when you were kid 音频 文本 A: Hey! Are these pictures of you when you were a kid? B: Yeah! That's me in front of my uncle's beach house. When I was a kid...
【口语学习】中级班第一节课——Oh, I'm really sorry 和 Hey hey that was fun-Crzax的博客

【口语学习】中级班第一节课——Oh, I’m really sorry 和 Hey hey that was fun

Oh, I'm really sorry 听力 文本 Ted: Oh, I'm really sorry. Are you OK? Ana: I'm fine. But I'm not very good at this. Ted: Neither am I. Say, are you from South America? Ana: Yes, I ...


一、th/h击穿 规则:辅 + h/th音,直接省略 Remember to let her into your heart. Don't tell him. Please call her. 二、辅音连缀 1. s + m She's a smart business woman. 2. s + n Snow Whi...


类型一:把元音弱读成/ə/ Love them all. Ladies and Gentlemen. I'll be right back in half an hour. believe 类型二:弱化为同类音—>长音变短音 Me /mi/—>/ɪ/ Give me a second to...


常见的缩读 want to = wanna Do you wanna build a snow man? be going to = be gonna We're gonna find it. have got to = gotta I gotta go on my own way. Becase = 'cause I d' broke up wi...


类型一:元音 + 清辅音 + 元音 Matter Better Water Pretty What's the matter with you? The sooner, the better. I'm pretty busy. 类型二:元音 + t + l = 元音 + d + l Settle Little Battl...


类型一:同类音的消失 Bill likes swimming. I wish she would call me. 类型二:特殊音的消失 s + ʃ ʒ + ʃ θ + s ð + z f + v θ + ð s + z mouths clothes This shop is so romantic. H...


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