want to = wanna
Do you wanna build a snow man?
be going to = be gonna
We're gonna find it.
have got to = gotta
I gotta go on my own way.
Becase = 'cause
I d' broke up with my boyfriend, 'cause I don't like him.
give me = gimme
Gimme that book.
out of = outta
Get outta my way.
And = 'n
You'n me. Rock'n roll.
what is the = what'sa
what'sa matter?
what are you = wachya/wacha
Wachya doing here?
ing = in'
We are talkin' about the future.
let me = lemme
Lemme give you an example.
could have = could'a
Hannah could'a finished homework.
must have = must'a
Tom must'a had an unforgettable experience.
should have = should'a
I should'a done it.
would have = would'a
He would'a come to the meeting if he had known about it.
of 的缩读
kind of = kinda
What kinda job do you like?
a lot of = a lotta
We have a lotta things to do.
lots of = lotsa
They all contain lotsa water.
sort of = sorta
I sorta like him.